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2020: Sharing My Story

Kara M. Pearson

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

I think the new year has me feeling some type of way - happy, excited, optimistic - something along the lines of those synonyms. Before the decade ended, I began to plant some very healthy seeds in my life. A fresh workout regimen and balanced nutritional diet have made their ways into my life courtesy of my magical trainer, China Jones. I have been feeling (emotionally and physically) the best I have ever felt all year. One could say, I'm starting the decade on the right foot and ready to conquer it!

I shared a little bit about how my 2019 year went in my last blog post, but I wanted to switch gears this week to talk about some resolutions I have for the Styled by Kara blog. New forms of content will be making their way to my website. I will be launching a weekly style-based newsletter called The Edit, which is named after my very first closet clean-out styling package I developed for my business six years ago. I decided to turn this styling service into a free mini-version to help you edit your perfect wardrobe with budget friendly options in mind. I learned so much about email marketing in my role with The Zoe Report while living in LA and I'm just shocked that I haven't done this sooner. Style emails are so fun to design and I want to give you all a little something to look forward to in your inbox on a Monday morning.

For the blog, I'm thinking lots of food features! Trying a new recipe at home at least once a week is one of my goals for this year. It's hard to be able to capture every moment of a recipe in the making because my living space doesn't have the best lighting or kitchen but as a photographer I will do my best to share more food photos on the blog and on the gram! I've been listening to Blood, Bones & Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef by Gabrielle Hamilton on audible and it's inspiring me to throw on my apron and get back in the kitchen.

The other section I want to fully develop this year is the SBK travel section. I have big trips on the books and want to share them with all of you! I've been lucky to partner on some fun travel projects with Tara Cummins, Editor in Chief of Teryn Grey and look forward to producing more content with her as the months unfold. As part of the travel section...I will be producing a lot of content behind the lens. I'll be sharing what I capture in an on-going photo diary series. My landscape photography has landed on the blog in small amounts (like my trip down the coast to Big Sur which turned into a black and white series called Cruise), but my goal this year is to have my website be expanded with visuals upon visuals of my art with the soul purpose to inspire.

My 2020 mantra has been "consistency is key" and I want to take that mantra and apply it to every corner of my life and business. It has been so hard to keep a consistent content calendar and posting schedule for my blog the past few years. I get so busy in other work that sometimes I feel like I just don't have enough of myself to give to my blog. This year, I want that to completely change, keeping posting on a regularly scheduled calendar will be good for everyone - I'll get to write more and you'll get to read more! Content creation has always been my dream job, whether it is writing, photography, styling or cooking, I love creating art in all forms and when I'm not creating because I'm too wrapped up in other things, I get a crazy itch to switch things up.

New year resolutions can feel very daunting, and sometimes we even ditch them in the first month. But this time around, I am truly committed to helping this website grow in the way it was intended to when I first launched it. I hope you will all stick around to see it grow and flourish in 2020!

Cheers to a new year filled with creation and inspiration!

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